Ms. Severns Loves videos
a video collection for students, parents, and teachers
This is what it's all about! In this video I break down the Teaching for Artistic Behavior framework, the 8 studio habits, and how the importance of Play has an impact on my teaching. I also discuss strategies for parents to engage with their artists!
In this video, I explain the vision for Courtenay's Arts Integration plan for the 2017-2018 school year. This video was presented with my colleague Brad Worrell (5th grade gifted teacher) during our school opening professional development in August 2017.
In this video I review some basic info about how to use pan watercolor. This video was created for my art skills video library
In this video I review some basic tools, tips and techniques for attaching things to cardboard. This video was created for my art skills library.
In this video I review the steps for drawing a grid over a portrait as part one of our three part portrait series.