Art Everywhere

In addition to teaching open studio art classes, I also help other teachers infuse art into their curriculum.  I love collaborating with my colleagues to facilitate cross curricular projects for our students.  Seeing students solve real world problems and get excited about learning is really the best part of being a teacher.  


Culshare Games

6th grade students are exploring their cultures through games and movement.  In this unit designed by PE teacher Mr. Ryder students are exploring their heritage and creating original moves that represent aspects of their culture.  Students are then sharing these moves through a collaborative game. Learn more here...


1st and 2nd Grade Games

In collaboration with Ms.King, room 121 artists are exploring math concepts through creating their own games.  Many students made original board games, however C. made this incredible felt vest- see more games here...


Lift Every Voice Project 

In collaboration with Latin School, 4th grade students attended an artist lecture with Chicago Artist Indira Frietas Johnson, and then created work inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's "Lift every voice" poem.  Students created footprints with words of peace and installed them in a collaborative mural, one at Latin School and one at Courtenay.  See more here...

Chicago Architecture

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Hugo Cabret

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Candy Tank

In collaboration with Mr. W, 5th grade students created their own candy and packaging for Candy Tank.  Inspired by the book the "The Candymakers" by Wendy Mass students created their own candy, packaging and marketing. Students then pitched their products to a panel of judges, in a Shark Tank style competition. See more here...  


ADA Furniture

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Budding Gardeners

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Bit Space

Thanks to the 2017-2018 Ingenuity Creative Schools Fund, we will be partnering with kid centered maker lab Bit Space to design and prototype a new outdoor classroom and playground for our community.  Beginning in April 2018, Middle School students will explore all aspects of design from research to prototyping to create a plan for our new playground.  More on this project coming soon!

Balloons Over Broadway

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Childrens Library

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur