Lift Every Voice

In collaboration with our friends at Latin School, 4th grade students participated in a public project and artist talk led by local artist Indira Freitas Johnson.  Johnson discussed the power of public art and her own Ten Thousand Ripples Project. She then led students in a collaborative project inspired by the powerful words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”

-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

This project really got students thinking about peace- Indira prompted students to think of the small tangible things they could do in their own lives and communities to promote peace and the power of their words. Students created their own footprints with words of peace inspired by the words of Dr. King. Student's messages of peace were installed in Latin School and at Courtenay Language Arts.  



Sabrina Severns